School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform

  1. Regular uniforms will be provided from the school on payment of money.
  2. The school uniform must be maintained very well and the Students should come smartly dressed, taking detail care of personal hygiene.
  3. On school days and functions students should wear the school uniform.
  4. P.T. uniform should be worm for physical education classes.
  5. Sweater if worm should be Marroon in colour.
  6. Black rain shoes are only permitted during monsoons.Girls: Hair style must be simple, two plait with black ribbon, long hair is not to be left loose and not fancy hairstyles are permitted.Boys: Students must cut the hair properly, long hair in school is not allowed.
    • Finger-nails must be cut short and kept clean. No nail polish or mehendi permitted.
    • Long or expensive earnings,fancy bangles, chain etc. must not be worm in the school.
    • Failure to comply with rules  will result in  the student being suspended from the school.

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